Why didn't I think of that!

Posted by Pete | Posted in | Posted on 7:31 PM


I may not have exams this time around, but I sure do have alot of coursework that needs to be done. I wish I could of thought of that million dollar webpage which a student at Nottingham Uni, (Alex Tew), created, then I wouldn't be so stressed! But every success has its problems as Alex found out this week, (see link below). In his case it was from so called "net criminals" who "knocked the site over with a massive denial-of-service attack.” Sounds scary but basically they forced the website to go offline for a period of time by overloading the network with customer requests.


Good news: I heard from my lecturer this week that we will be having an extra day added to the Easter holiday in celebration of the universities 40th anniversary since it was granted university status! My lecturer then said he complained that a day wasn't long enough and that we should have a week off instead :-)

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