Spasmodic contraction of the thoracic cavity!

Posted by Pete | Posted in | Posted on 6:43 PM


Basically I've had a cough for the last 5 weeks and over the last week it has got gradually worse and worse up to the point where I coughed up some blood! At that point I thought hmm, better go see a doctor. I went last night to see a "replacement" doctor as mine is currently on holiday, and he said that "you may have a viral infection, you may not", and that coughing up blood is normal if you have a cough for a while. He then proceeded to talk in medical terms and lost me, but concluded that the prescription, (the "patient information leaflet" that came with my prescription and it says that tablets are used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia!), he gave me "may or may not help". What a helpful guy.

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