Call Off The Search Party

Posted by Pete | Posted in | Posted on 5:36 PM


It is official, I have neglected my blog somewhat!

Anyhoo, I have now completed my first year at uni and passed all my exams so am able to continue into the second year. I have been on holiday in sunny Reading and Wales- I know, really exotic places - and been to Nottingham a couple of times.

Sometime in August I'm heading off to Germany with my parents to stay at a guesthouse in 'die Schwarzwald' with some family friends (The Hechts). Apparently I'm supposed to get my German up to scratch to help translate for my parents, but I'd prefer to take a step back and watch my parents tell the that taxi driver "Normalerweise trinke ich Kaffee, aber heute trinke ich Tee. " or "Ah, ich brauche auch noch Motorenöl." The BBC languages website ( can be praised for such phrases.

Over the summer I was meant to get a job, but it seems that nowhere in Lichfield wants to hire part-time students, and M&S just messed me around for 4 weeks. So I'm left to selling items on ebay such as 355 of my parents LP's and my nice koi fish due to somehow being the cause of too many heated debates!!!

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