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Posted on
10:33 PM
Just got back from my holiday to Germany (pics to follow tomorrow hopefully) and planned on making a short movie of the photos taken, but apparently according to Microsoft Movie Maker I might have to wait a while for it to be made...

Which is equivalent to 234999780 seconds, or 65278 hours or, 2720 days, or even better 7.45 years!!!
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Posted on
12:05 PM
I've spent the last 4 days laying laminate flooring in the two upstairs bathrooms with my dad and can say that I won't be attempting to do it again in such a compliacted and small space. For a start, we tried to do it without the correct tools- no jigsaw, no workbench, no file. We soon discovered that it was very hard work shaping around stuff (like the toilet bowl) after spending 4 hours on just one strip of the floor! So after that palaver, dad decided to call a friend and he bought around all the right tools for us- including a mitre saw to do the beading around the edges. Without these tools we would still be laying the floor now!
On another note, today is dad's 50th Birthday, so Happy Birthday to you and may you have many more!
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Posted on
10:53 PM
It had to be done...
Possibly the greatest idea since sliced bread, think of a snack and mega size it. Pimp That Snack "take Snacks to their limit, and show what they're capable of with a little ingenuity, a little cash, and a lot of imagination".
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Posted on
10:52 PM
Tagged by Thomas
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag three people.
Here goes:
"Bureaucracy next. Researchers at the Harvard Medical School found that the administrative costs of the US system, public and private, exceed $1000 per person. In other words, when you count all the taxes, premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, the typical American spends as much on doctor's receptionists and the like as citizens of Singapore and the Czech Republic spend on their entire medical care."
Wow, thanks to the Undercover Economist (Tim Harford) that turned out ok. I didn't cheat either. I'm reading it at the moment (thanks to my dad) and believe everyone should read it because it certainly changed my view on how business works in the real world!
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Posted on
11:42 AM

Here are some pics I took at the airshow this year: