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8:59 PM
Next year I will be moving into a newish apartment in Loughborough town centre with two of my mates from uni. Before we found our new home, we went house hunting around Loughborough and I can say now that what we have found is a golden gem compared to the rubbish that is on the housing market at the moment. The first house we went to look at had condensation on all the windows, the back garden was a mess, the kitchen was about 5ft by 5ft and the current tenants didn't seem to grasp the concept of "tidying up".
After frantic searching, I managed to find a newly built student apartment complex, so I booked an appointment to see as many of the flats as possible so we could choose the best one. It turned out that all the apartments were really nice, and we settled for an upstairs apartment on the end of the complex. It has 3 parking spaces, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms- one being an en-suite, and a kitchen. It is fully furnished with brand new furniture and will be totally repainted and cleaned- even though it is only 2 years old- before we move in this summer.
I can't wait to move there as I will get to cook my own food instead of eating the junk they are serving in my hall at the moment.
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Posted on
7:31 PM
I may not have exams this time around, but I sure do have alot of coursework that needs to be done. I wish I could of thought of that million dollar webpage which a student at Nottingham Uni, (Alex Tew), created, then I wouldn't be so stressed! But every success has its problems as Alex found out this week, (see link below). In his case it was from so called "net criminals" who "knocked the site over with a massive denial-of-service attack.” Sounds scary but basically they forced the website to go offline for a period of time by overloading the network with customer requests.
Good news: I heard from my lecturer this week that we will be having an extra day added to the Easter holiday in celebration of the universities 40th anniversary since it was granted university status! My lecturer then said he complained that a day wasn't long enough and that we should have a week off instead :-)
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Posted on
8:45 PM
I started my course not knowing a single thing about programming in C, I am now at a stage in my course where I still don't know much about programming in C. This is due not having a lecture in programming for the last 4 weeks and won't be having any more until the start of semester 2- in 3 weeks time! For some reason the lecturer took it upon himself to only read through his notes- most of which are copied from a book by Ivor Hoton- and once he had completed that decided to cancel any further lectures. Might sound good, but it has left me in a position where I now have to design programs to produce lines between two points on a page, then circles, and finally the union jack- which must be perfect in all dimensions (see link below), and I have no clue what to do!
How to draw the perfect union jack: gets better... I not only have to learn to program in C, but VHDL and Matlab as well! That is the equivalent of 3 new foreign languages! O well, better continue with the coursework or it isn't going to be done!
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Posted on
8:19 PM
Found some more funny pics:

For the programmers out there:
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Posted on
7:49 PM
Found this whilst browsing the internet today. It sums up the difficulty of my maths tests at the moment :-)
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9:16 PM
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had an amazing christmas and new year like I had at home with my family. I arrived back at uni last Sunday to a nice clean room, which I found out from the cleaners wasn't used at all during the xmas holidays so i didn't actually have to empty my room at all! Anyhoo, this week I am overloaded with coursework that needs to be done, but luckily I don't have any exams like the rest of the campus seems to be having. I will upload some xmas photos to my blog when I go home next as I saved them on my parents laptop instead of my pc- big mistake :-)
I was shown the following link the other day. It's written by an eBayer and is a really funny storey about his car that wouldn't die: